Our Guide to Daily / Weekly Health Checks for Your Guinea Pigs

To ensure guinea pigs live long, healthy lives, it’s important to carry out regular health checks. This guide will cover the basic daily and weekly health checks necessary to keep your guinea pigs in top condition.

Why Regular Health Checks Are Important

Regular health checks help you identify potential health issues early on, making treatment more effective and less stressful for your piggies. By keeping a close eye on their well-being, you can ensure they stay happy and healthy.

Daily Health Checks

1. Observe Their Behaviour

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to monitor your guinea pig’s health is by observing their behaviour daily. Healthy guinea pigs are active, curious, and have a good appetite. If you notice any changes in their behaviour, such as lethargy or loss of interest in food, it could be a sign of illness.

2. Check Their Eyes

Healthy guinea pig eyes should be bright and clear without any discharge or cloudiness. Any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge could indicate an infection or other health issues that require a visit to the vet.

3. Monitor Their Eating Habits

Guinea pigs need a consistent supply of fresh hay, vegetables, and water. Ensure they are eating regularly and not losing weight. A sudden change in appetite can be an early warning sign of dental problems or other illnesses. If you have a cage with more than one level, always put the food & water on both levels or just the ground floor, as elderly piggies can find ramps too challenging.

4. Inspect Their Droppings

Healthy guinea pig droppings should be firm and oval-shaped. Loose or watery droppings can indicate digestive issues that may require dietary adjustments or veterinary care.

Weekly Health Checks

1. Weigh Your Guinea Pig

Weighing your guinea pig weekly helps you monitor their overall health and detect any sudden weight loss or gain early on. Use a digital kitchen scale for accuracy and keep a record of their weight over time. Place them in a cuddle sack or their favourite bed for a stress free weigh in!

2. Examine Their Coat and Skin

A healthy coat should be smooth and shiny without bald patches or excessive shedding. Check for signs of parasites like mites or lice by parting the fur and looking closely at the skin underneath.

3. Inspect Their Ears

Check your guinea pig’s ears for any signs of wax build-up, redness, or discharge which could indicate an ear infection or mites.

4. Look at Their Teeth

Guinea pigs’ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives; therefore, it’s essential to check them weekly to ensure they are not overgrown or misaligned. Overgrown teeth can cause eating difficulties and require trimming at the vets. A constant supply of hay helps wear the teeth down.

5. Assess Their Nails

Guinea pigs’ nails grow quickly and need regular trimming to prevent overgrowth which can lead to discomfort or injury. Check their nails weekly and trim them as needed using small animal nail clippers.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Guinea Pig Health

Provide a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining your guinea pig’s overall health:

  • Hay: Unlimited access to fresh hay is essential for dental health (they should eat approx their body size in hay each day ).
  • Vegetables: Fresh vegetables provide necessary vitamins.
  • Pellets: High-quality pellets (avoid muesli style as can lead to selective feeding ) formulated specifically for guinea pigs.
  • Water: Ensure constant access to clean water.

Keep Their Living Environment Clean

A clean living environment helps prevent infections:

  • Bedding: Change bedding regularly.
  • Cage Cleaning: Clean the cage thoroughly at least once a week.
  • Toys & Accessories: Wash toys and accessories regularly to prevent bacteria build-up.

Vet Visits

Seek immediate veterinary care if you notice any signs of illness during your daily/weekly checks.


By including these daily/weekly health checks into your routine along with providing proper diet & hygiene practices; you’ll ensure that your furry friends remain happy & healthy! Regular monitoring allows early detection & treatment ensuring long-lasting companionship from these adorable pets!


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